Who We Serve

Churches & Christian Organisations

The harvest is plentiful.

God is actively drawing people to Himself.

Many are wrestling with brokenness in their communities.

And yet… harvest workers find themselves hitting repeated obstacles as they pursue God’s heart for the different groups He has called them to. The harvest is NOT what it could be.

If you are a church or organisational leader who is wrestling with these things, we can help you.

The solution does not lie in a better program or cookie cutter methods, and there are no “fly-in” blueprints that guarantee success.

However, God definitely has a unique plan for you and your community, and people around you whom He wants to bless.

We have seen great power in:

  • guided conversations with Word and Spirit - bringing better questions to the Bible and in prayer

  • exposure to fruitful wineskins from frontier mission contexts, and

  • guided discussion as a team members with a shared harvest focus

We won’t give you a formula or a blueprint, but we can help you ask questions and enter dialogue with Word and Spirit that will open up new possibilities.

Several of our training moduless are specifically designed for church contexts - to increase faith and mobilise disciples of Jesus into more effective service and outreach.

Does this resonate with what God has put on your heart?