We serve those looking for more effective ways to engage the harvest…

We work with a network of teams, disciple-makers and churches
who have a burden for those around them

We Help You Wrestle With Three Questions

1. What is God’s ultimate end-goal & how can we better align with it?

This is often assumed according to prevailing methods and accepted practices around us. Scripture speaks profoundly to this question, busts open our assumptions and opens up new possibilities for joining with God’s redemptive and transformative work in our cities.

2. How do we effectively engage and serve those God has called us to?

There are no formulae. God is unchanging, but every harvest worker is unique. Every community and social group is unique. We can’t cut and paste methods from decades ago and expect them to minister healing and wholeness to peoples’ hearts.

Answering this question will come from God’s unchanging Word and dynamic Spirit interacting with the unique wiring of leaders and teams and the unique environments He has called them to.

3. How do we best help people discover God and move towards Him?

As we connect with those who are hungry and open we are confronted with the question of how to help them keep moving towards God. Some will integrate with existing communities. Others will need to journey in more familiar surroundings. If we assume the former, we shut the door to the Kingdom in the faces of the latter.

Equipping & Training

  • group processing

  • discover and unpack Scripture

  • practical tools

  • paradigms and frameworks that unlock new possibilities

  • no blueprints or silver bullets, but content and support to discern what your team needs in your context

We Serve Using Three Basic Processes


  • you bring a burden for the Kingdom, a challenge or obstacle, and a sense of call to overcome it

  • we bring curiosity, powerful questions, a good set of ears and a proven process for helping you move forward

Peer Learning

  • fellow practitioners who are learning as they go

  • shared vision & values

  • asking the same questions in different communities

  • learning with and from each other